If you want to risk a fling.

Then let us give you good and free advice: Just think over it again. Why? First: Your agen­cy can’t be that bad. After all, you cho­se them yours­elf. Second­ly, think about it for a moment: Could it be that you also play­ed your part in making it this far? Third, ever­yo­ne can have a bad day. Tomor­row the world will look com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent again. Fourth: A cli­ent-agen­cy rela­ti­onship is always like a tiny mar­ria­ge. At some point it is no lon­ger so ting­ling, exci­ting and sexy – but very fami­li­ar. Divorce (and every second child can con­firm this) always cos­ts a lot of money – and usual­ly the­re is a rude awa­ke­ning after­wards. Becau­se often you only real­ly app­re­cia­te what you give up when it’s alre­a­dy too late. The fee­ling of ting­ling in your sto­mach that you thought you had lost has given many reasonable peo­p­le stu­pid ide­as. So: Don’t throw yours­elf into mis­for­tu­ne, plea­se sleep on it one more night. And if you still want to risk the infi­de­li­ty tomor­row, give us a call: 0711 23979-36. You’­re a grown man – and you’ll know what you’­re doing.