If you want to test us.

One of the safest and most pro­ven ways to deter­mi­ne a new worker’s qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons is to have them com­ple­te a tri­al peri­od. We have made it clear else­whe­re why we do not par­ti­ci­pa­te in any pitches . . On the other hand, we are hap­py to pro­vi­de a cle­ar­ly defi­ned, trans­pa­rent task with a mana­geable amount of work as tri­al work. We are con­vin­ced – and our expe­ri­ence con­firms it – that this method is far bet­ter sui­ted than any other to deter­mi­ne the qua­li­ty and qua­li­ty of an agen­cy. And it gives both par­ties the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find out who they are deal­ing with and what future coöpe­ra­ti­on might look like.
We do not want a fee for such a tri­al work, but see it as our invest­ment. On the other hand, as they say in this coun­try: „What does­n’t cook isn’t worth any­thing“ – that’s why we usual­ly take it that our poten­ti­al cus­to­mers make a dona­ti­on to a cha­ri­ty of their choice in return. Not only both, but three sides have won.