Wenn Sie die Wahl haben wollen.
It’s a law of nature that applies from the campaign to the classified ad: If there are several proposals on the table, a bad compromise always results, a „this-of-this-and-this-of-this“. Therefore: If you order a job from us, you will get exactly the one solution that we consider to be the best … and no alternative to it and then two variants of it. We have already gone through all the second-best ideas or discarded them in the beginning. You benefit from this in a number of ways: You don’t have to ask your wife, secretary or cleaning lady – if it’s not one and the same person anyway – which idea she thinks is the better one. You can dispense with all the pseudo-democratic fuss and tiresome meetings and fruitless discussions in working groups (where work just goes in circles). And you can then invest the saved human resources sensibly in proper briefings.