If you don’t have money for advertising.

We allow our­sel­ves the luxu­ry of accep­ting bud­gets that we know can­not pos­si­bly beco­me rich. Sim­ply becau­se they make us hap­py. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce we gave up on get­ting rich a long time ago any­way. We would­n’t have time to squan­der the money any­way. And our part­ner, accor­ding to his own state­ment, does­n’t need a fin­ca on Mal­lor­ca (he’s in the office all the time any­way) or a num­be­red account in Switz­er­land (which is no lon­ger so en vogue any­way). The main thing is that we have enough for a reason­ab­ly self-deter­mi­ned agen­cy life. So that we can choo­se for whom we work and for what – or: for whom and for what not. And in such a way that we can at least help shape the coöpe­ra­ti­on. That’s why we’­re tack­ling prin­ci­ples on the sub­ject of pitch. This is how we have been thin­king and working for more than thir­ty years. And oddly enough, not bad at all. Per­haps Hen­ry Ford was right when he said, „You can’t cha­se money. You have to meet him.”