If you want to smo­ke one.

It has long been de rigueur to publicly cri­mi­na­li­ze smo­kers. Put on a par with mass mur­de­rers, cre­dit coun­se­lors, Mal­lor­ca vaca­tio­ners and refu­se sor­ters, they are labe­led the root of all evil and spend their days in search of a shel­te­red patch of earth to satis­fy their ter­ri­ble addic­tions. Unfa­zed by threa­tening texts and sho­cking images, we still smo­ke, of cour­se – not by ever­yo­ne, at least not actively. But in order not to dis­turb the others while they are working, most of them go out­side to our won­derful­ly unk­empt gar­den. Half the team stands or sits the­re befo­re, during and after work. Of cour­se, only to think about cur­rent pro­jects and future cam­paigns. The other half mean­while sits at their desk and thinks use­l­ess­ly about how the world is going. Them­sel­ves to bla­me. Becau­se we con­ti­nue to prac­ti­ce tole­rance towards smo­kers. Just so you know when you come visit us.