Or to put it ano­ther way: Pro­fil­ing as the basis for new media and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­te­gies does not pro­du­ce a sole win­ner or bet­ter sales results.
All tho­se who cor­rect­ly inter­pret the consumer’s cata­lo­gue of wis­hes, under­stand his wis­hes and decis­i­on-making mecha­nisms and accor­din­gly make the appro­pria­te offer that cor­re­sponds to his wis­hes are right.
And the ques­ti­on must be allo­wed: To whom do you want to sell your pro­duct or ser­vice? „To ever­yo­ne who can afford it, of cour­se“, you would logi­cal­ly ans­wer. And that is exact­ly whe­re the pro­blem lies! You will never get „ever­yo­ne“. For some you are too expen­si­ve, for others too cheap, others don’t like the con­cept … and still others don’t need your pro­duct and so on and so forth.
But – and here we are again with our bro­ken clock: 2% of the peo­p­le would buy your goods – any time and for sure. If your pro­mi­se is good and your pro­duct as well, you can even reach 5%. That’s all you need. The advan­ta­ge of this kind of tar­ge­ting: you can ima­gi­ne all the peo­p­le you want to sell to more pre­cis­e­ly. Your con­su­mer gets an exact pro­fi­le. This saves you a lot of money – and the best thing on top: You save yours­elf work and effort for a goal that is unat­tainable any­way. So get an accu­ra­te pic­tu­re of your cus­to­mer and don’t was­te time, money or effort.

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