If you don’t have money for advertising.
We allow ourselves the luxury of accepting budgets that we know cannot possibly become rich. Simply because they make us happy. Especially since we gave up on getting rich a long time ago anyway. We wouldn’t have time to squander the money anyway. And our partner, according to his own statement, doesn’t need a finca on Mallorca (he’s in the office all the time anyway) or a numbered account in Switzerland (which is no longer so en vogue anyway). The main thing is that we have enough for a reasonably self-determined agency life. So that we can choose for whom we work and for what – or: for whom and for what not. And in such a way that we can at least help shape the coöperation. That’s why we’re tackling principles on the subject of pitch. This is how we have been thinking and working for more than thirty years. And oddly enough, not bad at all. Perhaps Henry Ford was right when he said, „You can’t chase money. You have to meet him.”