We wri­te, read and speak Ger­man. אבל אנחנו תמיד חושבים בעברית.*

What distin­gu­is­hes Hebrew thin­king from Ger­man thin­king? We think it’s thin­king in pic­tures. While Ger­man-spea­k­ers form ela­bo­ra­te sen­ten­ces, our thin­king is inspi­red by the Hebrew ima­gi­na­ti­on in meta­phors, alle­go­ries … and at the same time com­ple­te­ly objec­ti­ve – always stri­ving to grasp and pene­tra­te the who­le con­cept. How much our powerful lan­guage is capa­ble of, can­not of cour­se be seen in the Old Tes­ta­ment. But what does that have to do with our ser­vice – are we sim­ply tal­king about adver­ti­sing, or do we real­ly mean com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on? What can we do for you, your com­pa­ny, your brand that ano­ther adver­ti­sing agen­cy in this coun­try might not be able to do? All we can say is cou­ra­ge… chutz­pah, humour – not to men­ti­on get­ting right to the root of the pro­blem or core of the issue and our uni­que abili­ty to impro­vi­se. We want to talk to you about all the­se things. Up clo­se and per­so­nal! It cos­ts you not­hing – just half an hour of your time… and a cup of cof­fee. Just give us a call: 0711 23979-40. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

*but we always think in Hebrew