The clas­sic entre­pre­neur always has a dra­wer in which he keeps his com­pe­ti­tors‘ adver­ti­sing. With fond­ness and satis­fac­tion, he pres­ents the­se works to his own agen­cy, accom­pa­nied by the sen­tence: „Now take a look at this. Why can’t we think of some­thing like that? We’­re bet­ter, fas­ter, che­a­per and more inno­va­ti­ve than our com­pe­ti­tors – what are we doing wrong?“

It’s simp­le: you look too long and too clo­se­ly at what the com­pe­ti­ti­on is doing ins­tead of loo­king at your own pro­ducts. Like every pro­duct in this world, the­re is a side to it that no one has dis­co­ver­ed yet. We are con­vin­ced that this dimen­si­on also exists within your pro­ducts. Let us look for it tog­e­ther! And we are equal­ly con­vin­ced that with your help we will dis­co­ver this side! And the com­pe­ti­tor? Let’s lea­ve him in the dra­wer! He will bring you not­hing but annoyan­ce and frus­tra­ti­on. You don’t know what gui­des your com­pe­ti­tor, you don’t know what he wan­ted to achie­ve with his adver­ti­sing, and you don’t know what your com­pe­ti­tor has paid. So plea­se do not try to imi­ta­te your com­pe­ti­ti­on. What your cus­to­mers want is fresh crea­ti­vi­ty, real advan­ta­ges and tru­ly useful innovation!

Your pro­ducts can satis­fy your cus­to­mers’ needs, we are sure of it. Don’t think, think ahead! It is not always the easie­st path, but it is the most sen­si­ble – also in eco­no­mic terms.

Give us a call or fol­low us on our blog “Think befo­re doing”