The best entre­pre­neurs have always had new ide­as. But befo­re an idea could gain trac­tion and be mone­ti­zed, it always cau­sed offence.

„The elec­tric light can’t com­pe­te with the gas lamp, the oil lamp or cand­les,“ the com­pe­ting com­pa­nies snee­red just befo­re the 20th cen­tu­ry. And doc­tors once war­ned peo­p­le about the speed of the steam engi­ne. „A speed of over 20 km per hour will cau­se serious dama­ge to man.“ In the begin­ning, every decent Ger­man citi­zen swo­re never to fall for Ame­ri­can food cul­tu­re, aka the ham­bur­ger. Nobo­dy belie­ved in the com­pu­ter or the smart pho­ne for ever­yo­ne at home, office or in a cof­fee eit­her, or in the fact that you don’t pick up your money in the bank, but on its out­side wall – con­su­mers com­plai­ned loud­ly about that, too- at first.

In most cases, it is much more dif­fi­cult to belie­ve in an idea than to come up with one. But this is pre­cis­e­ly what gives us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to assert our­sel­ves in a mar­ket of „copy­cat“ pro­ducts. Even if the sales depart­ment thinks the new idea could sca­re away the old cus­to­mers or wea­k­en the cash cow, even if the sales manager’s wife thinks it does­n’t fit in with the style of the house and is too expen­si­ve… even if the adver­ti­sing agen­cy con­ti­nues to demand full con­trol over the pro­duct and all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nels, and the very thought of a stran­ge, pos­si­bly anony­mous user taking over this func­tion in the future sca­res them … and even if the clea­ning lady who stumb­led over it once grum­bles that „nobo­dy needs this stuff anyway“…

For a long time now, no one has nee­ded any­thing (except food, sex and win­ter-pro­of clot­hing). But having a need! Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is respon­si­ble for that fee­ling. Tho­se who real­ly need some­thing will buy. For the need in ques­ti­on and the crea­ti­on of a spe­ci­fic need, one requi­res adver­ti­sing. But when it comes to wan­ting, the „cata­lo­gue“ looks con­sider­a­b­ly dif­fe­rent. Do not crea­te expec­ta­ti­ons (big­ger, fas­ter, bet­ter…) Satis­fy needs (dri­ving in a way that con­ser­ves resour­ces, mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve inter­ven­ti­on, pack­a­ging in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly way…)

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