What was right yesterday is wrong today. What sold yesterday doesn’t work today. Or perhaps not?
What has changed? Have people reinvented themselves? Have consumers been given a new knitting pattern? One that only a select few are capable of understanding? Has the commodity or need changed from the ground up?
These are questions you can best answer for yourself. You, too, are not much different today than you were yesterday. And your goods, your values and your motivation – apart from the usual development and innovation processes – are still the same as they were yesterday. No, the world hasn’t changed, and it won’t in the near future. The knitting pattern has remained the same, and so has the motivation for purchase decisions. The only thing that has changed is the „noise level“ and the platform through which sounds are created, published or exchanged. On this new platform, the consumer is the one who sets the tone. And it is he who determines the structure and characteristics of the „noise“: He creates the sounds with his thumb. „Up“ means: it gets loud, while „down“ means it gets quiet. This is new and sometimes causes general confusion at companies. It is the consumer who is forcing us to rethink – and it is also he who is driving communication in the new proper sense. You can’t buy 37,000,000 clicks, you can’t plan for them, and you can’t predict them. But you can understand them and work out the ingredients needed as a foundation to get that level of noise.
Causing a stir, showing courage, arousing emotions and setting provocation in motion – these are the only working means to be heard and to create a place for oneself in the newly emerging trade markets. The type of advertising that sells the most effectively, the fastest and the best today is still the one that attracts attention, arouses sympathy and creates desire. You need the A for attention before the I for interest – and not IADA, as some would like (we can forget about the last two letters, they no longer have much to do with advertising anyway).
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