If you look for the inven­tor of the idea of a plan B, the declared goal is to mini­mi­ze risks or to eli­mi­na­te the pro­blem. At the same time, plan B means twice as much work, twice as much time and the­r­e­fo­re twice as much money.

But let’s first try to incor­po­ra­te a plan B into our con­side­ra­ti­ons here and now in adver­ti­sing. What would it be like? Does plan B also have to be appro­ved of in advan­ce as a plan B? Do cer­tain con­di­ti­ons have to be met when plan A comes into play and at what point is plan B taken out of the drawer?

No, we do not have a plan B, neither is it a good idea, eit­her finan­ci­al­ly or in terms of time spent. We don’t think deve­lo­ping such a plan would be a gre­at idea. If the launch of a new pro­duct has fai­led, as 98% of all new laun­ches do, it’s usual­ly not the fault of the adver­ti­sing, but of the intrin­sic value of the pro­duct or its qua­li­ty. Fol­lo­wing up a second time with a plan B pro­ba­b­ly would­n’t work eit­her. Avo­id sub­mit­ting a plan B that your manage­ment, your sales force, your mar­ke­ting team becau­se then you might suc­cumb to the tempt­a­ti­on of making a plan C out of A + B – and that would then most cer­tain­ly not work.

Fol­low us on our blog “Think befo­re doing”.