The old mar­ke­ting ada­ge „sex sells“ still works – only in the 21st cen­tu­ry it sells its­elf … and it is usual­ly not the pro­duct to which it is arti­fi­ci­al­ly attached.

Howe­ver: The impe­tus must come from the pro­duct, direct­ly. If one makes use of „means of trans­port“ of any kind, the­se must be com­mu­ni­ca­ted in such doses that with their help only impe­tus is cau­sed. The pro­duct, its manu­fac­tu­rer and the com­mer­cial mes­sa­ge, are what is needs to be remembered.

H. W. Hep­ner of Syra­cu­se Uni­ver­si­ty, on behalf of the Gal­lup Insti­tu­te and a lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal retail group, inves­ti­ga­ted the value, popu­la­ri­ty and cate­go­riza­ti­on of image motifs with the help of 29,000 per­so­nal respond­ents. He dis­co­ver­ed pat­terns and estab­lished a ran­king of desi­res. With tho­se adver­ti­sing com­pa­nies can eva­lua­te the qua­li­ty of the sti­mu­lus which helps us to increase the pro­ba­bi­li­ty that some form of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on would not imme­dia­te­ly dis­ap­pear from our minds.

Pro­ducts and ser­vices are usual­ly not that noti­ceable by natu­re. The result of solid craft­sman­ship or inno­va­ti­ve thought pro­ces­ses (pos­si­bly pep­pe­red with tech­ni­cal refi­ne­ments or other fea­tures) is hard­ly com­pre­hen­si­ble to anyo­ne who was not direct­ly invol­ved in the crea­ti­on of the pro­duct- cer­tain­ly not to the con­su­mer. It is the sto­ry, the „pack­a­ging,“ that con­trols the fil­ing mecha­nism in the mind.

The sto­ry, the pack­a­ging of the pro­duct is what lea­ves the embos­sing and steers the decis­i­on of our con­sum­ma­ti­on, purcha­se etc. The qua­li­ty of the sto­ry is what mat­ters. And not­hing else. As a rule, the cus­to­mer is not loo­king for a pro­duct any­way, but mere­ly for a solu­ti­on to a pro­blem. For exam­p­le, nobo­dy needs a toas­ter, and very few peo­p­le are inte­res­ted in how it works. All the buy­er is loo­king for is good toast for break­fast, pre­fer­a­b­ly fast and inex­pen­si­ve. The same appli­es to a washing machi­ne, a vacu­um clea­ner or a fry­ing pan.

The pro­duct and its tech­ni­cal advan­ta­ges, howe­ver inge­nious they may be, do not have the sligh­test chan­ce of gai­ning a place on the shelf in the mind. It is the advan­ta­ges of its use that requi­re sta­ging. The­se and only the­se fac­tors are the ticket to the con­tes­ted list of favo­ri­tes in our heads. And not only for the per­son who hap­pens to be stan­ding right in front of a purcha­se decis­i­on, but also for the per­son who does­n’t need some­thing today or tomor­row, but may­be later. The who­le thing sounds com­pli­ca­ted, con­fu­sing, and extre­me­ly cum­ber­so­me. But it isn’t – if you keep an eye on the right impe­tus, the sui­ta­ble approach, the appro­pria­te sto­ry and the tar­get. The first thing to do is to crea­te an impe­tus – it’s as simp­le as that.

Stay tun­ed on our blog “Think befo­re doing”.