To repeat once more: In no way do we want to lec­tu­re you with our blog or tell you some­thing that you may alre­a­dy know or at least suspect.

What are we going on about then? After all, we are only tal­king about a few lines but a not incon­sidera­ble amount of time that we are asking of you. Well, our only con­cern in this blog is our con­vic­tion. Of cour­se, we can­not gua­ran­tee any­thing, nor can we offer any war­ran­ty for our ser­vices. If only becau­se the art of seduc­tion is so complex.

It is never going to be the case that your com­pe­ti­ti­on is bet­ter than you. It is you. You make your competitor’s appa­rent suc­cess so easy. A soc­cer team can only play as well as its oppo­nent allows it to. The heart is never in the qua­li­ty of the copy, but always in the crea­ti­vi­ty of the original.

The gre­at copy­wri­ter Vic­tor O. Schwab, who spent deca­des of his life deal­ing with adver­ti­sing and its con­tent and hel­ped lift DDB agen­cy to gre­at fame, sum­med up the essence of the mat­ter: „Most peo­p­le,“ he said, „act first and think after­wards. But the­re are tho­se who do it a litt­le bet­ter: who think while they act. But the true geni­u­ses think first – and then they act.“

You will never be able to beat your com­pe­ti­tors in any kind of impro­ve­ment of a copy of an adver­ti­sing sto­ry of your com­pe­ti­tor. In any case, you would be the first to suc­ceed. The suc­cess lies always only in some­thing, which the con­su­mer expects from you and no other. Sup­p­ly him with the sym­pa­thy, give him your own reason why he should buy your pro­duct and not that of the com­pe­ti­ti­on. Exci­te him, make him think, win his trust, his fee­lings and his admi­ra­ti­on. Your cou­ra­ge and belief in your own per­for­mance – this is the engi­ne that moves your cus­to­mers. For this you need words. But how many? As many as you need to tell him some­thing important in an inte­res­t­ing way. Never tell him a sto­ry he alre­a­dy knows. And cer­tain­ly not the one he knows from the com­pe­ti­ti­on. Show him pic­tures, new pic­tures, ones that sti­mu­la­te his ima­gi­na­ti­on. Ones that make his dreams a rea­li­ty. The kind he’s always wan­ted to see. Ones that show him what you are capa­ble of giving him. Ones that sol­ve his pro­blems, ones that he can then con­nect to your pro­ducts. But most of all, offer him some­thing he can asso­cia­te with you and only you. You and your pro­duct are the mea­su­re of all things. If you can com­mu­ni­ca­te this cre­di­bly, you will also occu­py the space you deserve.

We are loo­king for­ward to your visit on our blog “Think befo­re doing”