Or to put it more prac­ti­cal­ly: „We’­ve always done it that way, and we’ll keep on doing it that way. And why? „Becau­se we’­ve always done it that way.“

Basi­cal­ly, this atti­tu­de is not even com­ple­te­ly wrong. After all, it fol­lows the well-known prin­ci­ple of not working on one’s weak­ne­s­ses but impro­ving one’s strengths. We must also admit that the abo­ve sen­tence may also include risk mini­miza­ti­on, savings poten­ti­al, secu­ri­ty, tra­di­ti­on, exis­ting know how and routine/efficiency. Fea­tures that suc­cessful adver­ti­sing – such as unpre­ce­den­ted, striking, ama­zing, crea­ti­ve, uni­que and inno­va­ti­ve ‑are not sup­port­ed. But with every decis­i­on that is imple­men­ted in the fami­li­ar way, the distance to the new mecha­nisms that are now taking place in the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons mar­ket increases.

So much for the soft fac­tors, but the decis­i­on to „keep it up“ invol­ves more than just tho­se fac­tors. Almost always, this decis­i­on is based on human natu­re and their pri­mal prin­ci­ples. The­se are: Peo­p­le gene­ral­ly hate chan­ge. Peo­p­le who have a choice will always, wit­hout excep­ti­on, fol­low a fami­li­ar path. The­re is not­hing peo­p­le are more afraid of than the unknown. Inde­ed, the unknown often har­bors unpre­dic­ta­ble risks, incal­culable cos­ts, an open-ended out­co­me that is often dif­fi­cult to assess – but, abo­ve all, the respon­si­bi­li­ty that one assu­mes when making any kind of decision.

Respon­si­bi­li­ty – a term that also means risk. Who, except for a few fearless and cou­ra­ge­ous excep­ti­ons wants to risk any­thing today? And that brings us back to our first ques­ti­on: Why? It also works using the tried and true – just like the pro­ver­bi­al far­mer who does not eat what he has never seen – based on his expe­ri­ence and his code of con­duct. From the fami­li­ar, he can judge tas­te, cost and ingre­di­ents just as well as quan­ti­ty, qua­li­ty and enjoy­ment fac­tor – the best pre­re­qui­si­tes for ensu­ring to get total­ly fed up. Howe­ver, he will not expe­ri­ence new food trends and unknown plea­su­res in this way.

In the past, one could sur­vi­ve with this atti­tu­de for a while. Today, howe­ver, during the cour­se of digi­ta­liza­ti­on, wars, envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on… and the vola­ti­li­ty that comes along, risk is part of ever­y­day life. Even if no one vol­un­t­a­ri­ly exch­an­ges things they know (and which have work­ed for deca­des) for uncer­tain fac­tors, you can­not avo­id it. In com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, this means that peo­p­le, their values and hier­ar­chies, have not chan­ged, alte­red, or been rede­fi­ned. But the world has chan­ged. Whe­ther for bet­ter or worse, only the future can tell us. Even if we do not like it, have the cou­ra­ge to use your brain (Kant) and search for new, crea­ti­ve and las­ting com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­te­gies and chan­nels, becau­se only tho­se are striking and effective.

Con­ti­nue to fol­low us on our blog “Think befo­re doing”